Talks & Conference Papers

2025      Markus Viehbeck, “On the Social and Ritual Usage of Tibetan Manuscripts – With a Screening of the Documentary Resounding the Buddha’s Sūtras.” Asian Highland Manuscripts Working Group, University of Hamburg, February 3.

2025      Markus Viehbeck, “Sacred Texts and Sacred Objects in Dolpo – With a Screening of the Documentary Resounding the Buddha’s Sūtras.” Ananda Tree House, Boudha, Kathmandu, January 5.

2024      Bruno Lainé, “From Remote Collections to Digital Access: The Drakmar Manuscript Collection (Dolpo – Nepal),” as part of the International Symposium on Buddhist Studies and Digital Humanities “100 Years of the Taishō Tripiṭaka and 30 Years of SAT.” University of Tokyo, December 22.

2024      Markus Viehbeck, “The Social Significance of Tibetan Buddhist Canonical Manuscript Collections – With a Screening of the Documentary Resounding the Buddha’s Sūtras” as part of the workshop “Unboxing the Himalayas: on the Creation, Use, and Circulation of Sacred Things and Texts,” organized by the ERC-project The Van Manen Collection. Leiden University, December 12.

2024      Markus Viehbeck, “Film Screening: Resounding the Buddha’s Sūtras & Introduction to Tibetan Manuscript Collections in the Dolpo Himalayas” as part of the workshop “Manuscript Collections across Eurasia,” organized by the Cluster of Excellence: EurAsian Transformations. Austrian National Library, November 7.

2024      Helmut Tauscher, “Ched brjod of a brGyad stong Manuscript, Sabu (Ladakh), Dpon khang,” as part of the workshop “Dedications on Tibetan Canonical Artefacts: Connecting Literature, Material Culture, and Social Context.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 25.

2024      Markus Viehbeck, “An Emerging Dedicatory Tradition? Examples from a 13th-Century Sūtra Collection,” as part of the workshop “Dedications on Tibetan Canonical Artefacts: Connecting Literature, Material Culture, and Social Context.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 24.

2024      Markus Viehbeck, “Producing an Ethnographic Documentary – As a Philologist,” as part of the event “ISTB-Research Day.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 04.

2024      Bruno Lainé, “The Gad Dkar Rnying Rgyud: from Fieldwork to Digital Access ,” as part of the conference “International Conference on Retrospect and Prospect of Digitalization of Buddhist Resources.” National Taiwan University, April 18.

2024      Markus Viehbeck, “Large Scale Access to Witnesses of Tibetan Canonical Literature: How to Work with the rKTs Archive ,” as part of the event “Digital Humanities for Tibetan Texts.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, February 13.

2023      Markus Viehbeck, “The Documentation and Preservation of Buddhist Canonical Manuscript Culture in Dolpo, Nepal ,” as part of the workshop “International Workshop on Dolpo.” Institute of Asian Studies, Charles University, Prague, December 13.

2023      Markus Viehbeck, “Endangered Manuscripts at Drakmar Monastery, Dolpo: The Documentation of an Alternative Model of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon .” Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship, Lecture Series, University of Hamburg, November 29.

2023      Helmut Tauscher, “Local Kanjurs, the Mustang Group, and its Transmission of Tantra Texts: The Abhidhānottaratantra.” Tsinghua University, Beijing, November 9.

2023      Markus Viehbeck, “Two Illuminated Text Collections of Namgyal Monastery,” as part of the event “Tibetan Collections in Dialogue.” Biblioteca IsIAO, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, June 8.

2023      Bruno Lainé, “Optimisation of E-Texts for an Efficient Quotation Search in the rKTs Database,” as part of the symposium “Advanced Computational Methods for Studying Buddhist Texts.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, April 28.

2023      Markus Viehbeck, “Preserving and Disseminating Tibetan Canonical Literature Through Digital Means: The Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies (rKTs) Archive,” as part of the symposium “Advanced Computational Methods for Studying Buddhist Texts.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, April 28.

2023      Eric Werner, “Towards a User-Friendly End-To-End Pipeline for Tibetan OCR: Hands-On Insights on the Various Challenges to Unlock Tibetan Literature at Scale,” as part of the symposium “Advanced Computational Methods for Studying Buddhist Texts.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, April 27.

2023      Bruno Lainé, “rKTs – A Navigation Tool in the Tibetan Buddhist Canon”. Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship, Lecture Series, University of Hamburg, April, 12.

2023      Bruno Lainé, “rKTs – A Navigation Tool in the Tibetan Buddhist Canon” as part of the Kyentse Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship Seminar: “Means and Methods of Research (ARPI-II level 7; Advanced Research 10).”  Shechen Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal, January, 19.

2023      Bruno Lainé, “Data Design for a Navigation System in the Tibetan Buddhist Canon,” as part of the symposium “Perspectives of Digital Humanities in the Field of Buddhist Studies.” Hamburg University, January 14.

2022      Markus Viehbeck, “Re-visiting the ‘Dolpo-Kanjur’ – Disentangling Canonical Collections in the Himalayan Borderlands,” as part of the symposium “Canons, Kanjurs, and Collections – Multidisciplinary Approaches in the Study of Tibetan Canonical Literature.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 25.

2022      Bruno Lainé, “Memories of Helmut’s Personal Slave: From Paper Kanjur to E-Kanjur,” as part of the symposium “Canons, Kanjurs, and Collections – Multidisciplinary Approaches in the Study of Tibetan Canonical Literature.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 24.

2022      Markus Viehbeck, “Introduction,” as part of the symposium “Canons, Kanjurs, and Collections – Multidisciplinary Approaches in the Study of Tibetan Canonical Literature.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, October 24.

2022      Markus Viehbeck and Bruno Lainé, “Resources for Kanjur & Tanjur Studies (rKTs),” as part of the roundtable “Recent and Lesser-known Online Resources for Tibetan Studies,” 16th IATS Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic, July 8.

2022      Helmut Tauscher, “Transmission of the Tantra Section in Western Tibetan Kanjurs: The Abhidhānottaratantra,” as part of the panel “Studying the Bka’ ‘gyur and Bstan ‘gyur,” 16th IATS Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic, July 7.

2022      Bruno Lainé, “The Digitised Tibetan Canon: Computer Assisted Analysis of Canonical Texts,” as part of the panel “Studying the Bka’ ‘gyur and Bstan ‘gyur,” 16th IATS Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic, July 7.

2022      Markus Viehbeck, “From “Archaic” to “Later Standard”? Reconsidering Stylistic Typologies of Western Tibetan Canonical Manuscripts,” as part of the panel “Beyond Words: Object-based Approaches to Tibetan Book Culture,” 16th IATS Seminar in Prague, Czech Republic, July 6.

2022      Markus Viehbeck, “Himalayan Sūtra Collections – Textual, Material, and Social Perspectives.” Project workshop: “Current Ventures in Tibetan Intellectual, Textual, and Social History: A Showcase of Vienna-based Research Projects.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, Apr. 5.

2021      Markus Viehbeck and Christian Luczanits, “Buddhistisches Kulturerbe in Mustang, Nepal” (book presentation and public discussion), Campus Aktuell event series, University of Vienna, Nov. 10.

2021      Markus Viehbeck, “Textual Treasures and Endangered Manuscript Traditions in the Himalayas.” Tibet & Himalaya Colloquium Lecture Series (via Zoom), Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 10.

2019      Markus Viehbeck, “News from Resources for Kanjur & Tanjur Studies: Buddhist Canonical Collections in the Himalayan Borderlands.” Exploring Himalayan Textual Heritage: Symposium in Memoriam René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959) and His Text Collections at the Weltmuseum Wien, Weltmuseum Vienna, Nov. 14.

2019      Bruno Lainé, “Roundtable Discussion.” The Linked Open Data Workshop for Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Columbia University, New York, Nov. 11.

2019      Markus Viehbeck, “The Shifting Places of Textual Collections in Tibetan Monasteries, Illustrated by Canonical Manuscripts from Mustang.” IATS Conference 2019, Paris, Jul. 12.

2019      Helmut Tauscher, “The Early Mustang Kanjur and Its Descendents.” Numata Reading Group, McMaster University, Hamilton, Mar. 29.

2019      Helmut Tauscher, “Kanjur Collections from Tibet’s Southern and Western Borderlands.” Numata Lecture, University of Toronto, Mar. 28.

2019      Markus Viehbeck, “Digital Tools and Philological Challenges in Working with Tibetan Canonical Literature.” The Buddhist Forum Seminar, SOAS, London, Feb. 02.

2019      Markus Viehbeck, “Off the Mainstream: Tracing a Network of Sūtra Collections across the Himalayas.” The Buddhist Forum Lecture, SOAS, London, Jan. 31.

2018      Bruno Lainé, “rKTs – Navigation in the Tibetan Buddhist Canonical Literature.” International workshop: The Mardzong Manuscripts and the “Old Mustang Kanjur.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, Nov. 17.

2018      Helmut Tauscher, “The Postulated ‘Old Mustang Kanjur’.” International workshop: The Mardzong Manuscripts and the “Old Mustang Kanjur.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, Nov. 17.

2018      Markus Viehbeck, “A Sūtra Canon Distinct from the Kanjur? Reports from Buddhist Textual Collections in Mustang and Dolpo.” International workshop: The Mardzong Manuscripts and the “Old Mustang Kanjur.” Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, Nov. 17.

2018      Markus Viehbeck, “Sūtra Collections from Namgyal Monastery, Mustang. A Kanjur in the Making?” 7th International Conference of Oriental Studies, Polish Academy of Art and Sciences, Cracow, Oct. 22.

2018      Markus Viehbeck, “Computing Kanjurs: Research Perspectives and Online Resources of the Tibetan Manuscript Project Vienna (TMPV).” Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu, Sep. 13.

2018      Markus Viehbeck, “Über das Verhältnis von Texten und Kontexten: Ein Blick in die rezentere Buch- und Kulturgeschichte Tibets.” Universität Leipzig, Jan. 23.

2017      Markus Viehbeck, “Kanjur-Sammlungen im nepalesisch-tibetischen Grenzgebiet.” Nepal-Workshop, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dec. 5.

2017      Helmut Tauscher, “Early phyi dar manuscript fragments from Ladakh.” Chong Sheng Forum, Dali, China, Sep. 23.